How to Take Your Email Marketing to the Next Level

There is a proven fact that the majority of prospects don't purchase on their initial encounter with your brand. It is important to consider that the buying cycle can differ between different industries, suppliers and types of products. Lead nurturing can most efficiently be done through email marketing, which has been proven as the best efficient way to do so. If you want to create an efficient email marketing program it is crucial to ensure that your business is using automation at its maximum potential. The best practices in email is essential to an effective email marketing plan. If you're making use of Constant Contact and Hubspot for email marketing, nurturing and segmenting leads through email workflows can be an effective way of building relationships with leads and move them down the funnel. In order to get your customers to buy from you, it is important to stay in their minds by contacting them several times. By segmenting your lists you can develop tailored messaging for your target audience. Marketers have reported an increase in revenues of 7600% with a segmented campaign. When you segment your campaigns, you can attain high levels of personalization. How 5 How 3


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